The Embrace Magnetometer Network for South America: Network Description and Its Qualification

Radio science(2018)

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The present work is the first of a two-part paper on the Embrace Magnetometer Network. In this part, we present the new Embrace Magnetometer Network (Embrace MagNet) in South America, which is originally planned to cover most of the eastern portion of the Southern America longitudinal sector by installing and operating fluxgate magnetometer stations. We discuss the purpose and scientific goals of the network, associated with aeronomy and space weather. We provide details on the instrumentation, location of the sensors, sensitivity matching process, gain matching process, and magnetometer installation. In addition, we present and discuss details about the data storage, near-real time display, and availability. Plain Language Summary This manuscript introduces the reader to the new Embrace Magnetometer Network (Embrace MagNet), which is located in South America and is based on fluxgate magnetometer. Its main purpose is to fulfill the gap in magnetic measurements, which are suitable for space weather purpose. Details on the instrumentation, location of the sensors, sensitivity matching process, gain matching process, and magnetometer installation are provided in this first of a two-part paper on the Embrace MagNet. The accompanying paper provides information on the first scientific findings.
space weather,magnetometer network,magnetism,aeronomy,instrumentation
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