Isotopic Production Cross Sections of Residual Nuclei in the Spallation Reaction Xe-136 (200a Mev) + P


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The residual nuclei produced in the spallation reaction of Xe-136 nuclei at 200A MeV on protons have been studied by measuring the isotopic distributions for the elements from cadmium (Z = 48) to cesium (Z = 55) by using the fragment separator (FRS) spectrometer at GSI and the inverse kinematics technique. This is one of the few measurements performed at such a low projectile energy, close to the validity limit for intranuclear cascade models such as INCL or ISABEL. The experimental results have been compared to these intranuclear cascade codes coupled to the evaporation code ABLA. Both code combinations reproduce qualitatively the measured isotopic distributions; however, both underestimate the production of residues with mass numbers between 126 and 134. The measured cross sections are of interest for the planning of future radioactive beam or neutron source facilities.
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