
Screening Of Schizophrenia Associated Mirnas And The Regulation Of Mir-320a-3p On Integrin Beta 1


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Schizophrenia is one of the most severe chronic psychiatric disorders, which lacks of objective and effective diagnosis and observation indicators. In this work, the serum miRNA profiles of schizophrenic patients were analyzed. Targets of abnormal miRNAs, and their regulatory mechanisms were studied. A miRNA array was used to analyze the serum from 3 schizophrenic patients without treatment, 3 clinically cured patients and 3 healthy controls. The findings from the array were confirmed by real-time PCR in a larger cohort, including 59 patients and 60 healthy controls. The candidate miRNAs were analyzed using bioinformatics tools. Their potential targets were studied through in vitro cellular experiments. MiR-320a-3p and miR-320b were found to be down-regulated in patients compared with cured patients and controls in the miRNA array, which was also confirmed by real-time PCR in the larger cohort. Integrin beta 1 (ITG beta 1) was found to be one of the targets of miR-320a-3p. An enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay demonstrated that the ITG beta 1 concentration increased significantly in the patients' serum, and the in vitro study confirmed that miR-320a-3p targeted the 3 ' UTR of ITG beta 1 mRNA and reduced its expression. Our results demonstrated that the regulatory effect of miR-320a-3p on its target ITG beta 1 might play an important role in schizophrenia pathogenesis, which could be a potential pathway for schizophrenia diagnosis and therapy.
integrin beta1, MIRNA-320a-3p, schizophrenia
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