An Attempt to Visualize the Scrap Behavior in the Converter for Steel Manufacturing Process Using Physical and Mathematical Methods


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The behavior of the scrap is an important factor affecting the transport phenomena in the converter for steel manufacturing process, especially for the performance of a certain heat such as temperature and chemistry composition. However, the observation and evaluation of the scrap behavior is very difficult. In this paper, a physical modeling based on the similarity principle is established for the study of the scrap behavior during converter steelmaking process. Specially-made ice pieces with different shapes and sizes are used to simulate the scrap, and its motion and melting are visualized in a transparent scaled-down model. Moreover, the dynamic melting characteristics of a given ice piece is numerically investigated. It has been indicated that the scrap behavior is closely related to the fluid characteristics in the converter. The enhancement of stirring and mixing can be of importance to the scrap controlling. The scrap with small size is more favorable for the actual production. As for the scrap melting, the shape of scrap is a crucial parameter. The large-size scrap with small specific surface area should be avoided during converter steelmaking process. In addition, more energy is needed when more scraps are charged. The obtained results can provide good references for the actual production.
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Key words
steel manufacturing,scrap,ice,physical modeling,mathematical modeling
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