
Investigation of the Initial Stages of the Montmorillonite Acid-Activation Process Using DFT Calculations

Applied clay science(2018)

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Many important properties of the clay minerals such as montmorillonite (Mt) arise from their surface chemistry especially when this material is submitted to an acid activation process which will result in materials catalytically active for a variety of reactions. The acid activation preferentially occurs on the edge surfaces, in this sense ab initio calculations were performed in order to determinate the most probable models for (010) and (110) surfaces in both pyrophyllite and Mt clay minerals, the edge stability, the initial stages of the acid activation process and the main acid sites present in the structures. The calculations predicted that the (110) edge surface is more stable than the (010) edge surface at pyrophyllite, on the other hand, at Mt the (010) surface has shown to be more stable, thus the pyrophyllite edge surfaces should not be used as representative models of Mt edge surfaces. The microstructural evolution of the Mt during the acid activation was investigated by 29Si and 27Al SSNMR simulations and these calculations could assist in the correct assignment of the silicon and aluminum chemical environments. The reactivity of the surfaces was evaluated and the calculations indicate that the acid character of the acid-activated Mt mainly comes from the H sites present in silanol and aluminol groups. These sites might be responsible for the catalytic activity of these materials.
Montmorillonite,Acid activation,Edge surfaces,Ab Initio calculations,Solid-State NMR
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