
The Secret Life Inside Ticks

Frontiers for young minds(2018)

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Have you ever noticed those nasty, awful, crawling, eight-legged, tiny bugs called ticks?If you own a dog or a cat or a turtle or a rabbit or a parrot or a horse or a cow or a piglet or even a snake, maybe you can recall seeing these parasites.If not, do not despair just Google ticks to see what they look like!Ticks really love to use our pets as restaurants.Well, almost all pets...If you have a fish, it is fairly safe!Since you and I are animals, even our blood can serve as a snack!If this was not bad enough, these little bloodsuckers can transmit several microbes that may or may not make us or our animals sick.All animals (ticks, humans, cats, dolphins, penguins, etc.) have millions of microbes living inside them, of which some are harmless, some can help the organism to function better, and some can be dangerous.When the tick bites you and has a blood meal, the microbes in the tick can move to a new and exciting neighborhood: you.Ok, let us not be so dramatic!Ticks do prefer animals besides humans that are less sensitive to parasites crawling up their legs...If you want to learn more about the secret life inside ticks, just keep reading.This little bit of information can be very useful...
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