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Prospecting Endophytic Bacterial Colonization and Their Potential Plant Growth Promoting Attributes in Hybrid Maize (zea Mays L.)

International journal of current microbiology and applied sciences(2018)

Cited 12|Views3
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Maize, a crop cultivated worldwide, was investigated for colonization endophytic bacteria at different growth stage in different plant parts.Such bacterial interactions have high potential to enhance maize growth and development by means of plant growth promoting activities.82 morphologically different endophytic bacterial isolates were isolated from hybrid maize variety, Pusa Extra Early Hybrid Maize (PEEHM-5) from root, stem and leaf tissues on different nutrient media at vegetative, flowering and maturity stages of growth.Among growth stages, the maximum population of endophytic bacteria was found at flowering stage followed by vegetative and maturity stage.Among plant tissues, root was harboring higher bacterial population followed by stem and leaf.Upon screening of those 82 endophytic bacterial isolates for plant growth promoting attributes 52 isolates exhibited one or more attributes for plant growth promotion.P, K, Zn solubilization was shown by 17, 8 and 21 isolates respectively.10 isolates tested positive for phytohormone production, whereas 18 isolates were producing siderophore.Few isolates produced ACC deaminase (2), HCN (2) and biological nitrogen fixation (1).Biocontrol activity was shown by 5 isolates against Exerohilum turcicum whereas 3 isolates against Rhizoctonia solani.Primarily 59.6 % isolates were having single PGP trait, 23 % having double, 9.6 % triple and 7.7 % having four PGP traits.Careful selection from the group with multiple characters may lead to development of an effective bioagent.
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