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Influence of Substrate Material on Spectral Properties and Thermal Quenching of Photoluminescence of Silicon Vacancy Colour Centres in Diamond Thin Films

Journal of Electrical Engineering(2017)

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Abstract Nanocrystalline diamond films with bright photoluminescence of silicon-vacancy colour centres have been grown using a microwave plasma enhanced CVD technique. The influence of substrate material (quartz, Al2O3, Mo and Si) on a reproducible fabrication of diamond thin films with Si-V optical centres is presented. Film quality and morphology are characterized by Raman spectroscopy and SEM technique. SEM shows well faceted diamond grains with sizes from 170 to 300 nm. The diamond peak is confirmed in Raman spectra for all samples. In the case of the quartz substrate, a redshift of the diamond peak is observed (≈3.5 cm−1) due to tension in the diamond film. The steady-state photoluminescence intensity was measured in the temperature range from 11 K to 300 K. All spectra consist of a broad emission band with a maximum near 600 nm and of a sharp zero phonon line in the vicinity of 738 nm corresponding to Si-V centres that is accompanied with a phonon sideband peaking at 757 nm. Activation energies for the thermal quenching of Si-V centre photoluminescence were determined and the effect of the substrate on photoluminescence properties is discussed too.
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Key words
diamond,Si-V centre,photoluminescence,microwave-plasma enhanced CVD,activation energy
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