
Downsizing Strategy for Cars, Beijing for People Not for Cars: Planning for People

Periodica polytechnica Transportation engineering(2017)

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Beijing, the capital of China, is increasing enormously relative to its economy, pollution, population and dependency on private vehicles. Most of the Chinese cities are built and being built as a car-centric city. Six million cars are registered in Beijing, and with passage of time the attraction of private vehicles increases. Increasing in infrastructure the selection towards private vehicle is boosting. Municipality of Beijing is busy to use the conventional ways to solve the congestion problem rather than the smart solution, what megacities need to adopt. Beijing is second-worst in length of communing time. This paper addresses the traffic congestion problem in the central part of the Beijing by using “Mixed Use Small Block Concept”, where the network of roads spreads like veins in a human body, and the accessibility around center is dependent on vehicle. The aim is to recover the areas from cars and give it to residential and improve their accessibility by changing the mode of travel from car to walking and cycling, and provide clear boundaries and redesign the area by using Small Block Mixed use concept. Combining the public transportation, urban planning design and Non-Motorized Transportation priority will lead the city towards livability.The right to access every building in the city by private motorcars actually the right to destroy the city.” Mumford.
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