An Experimental Investigation Of Electrical Conductivity Of Y3al5o12-Ethylene Glycol Nanofluids


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Paper presents results of experimental studies of electrical conductivity of yttrium aluminum garnet-ethylene glycol (Y3Al5O12-EG, YAG-EG) nanofluids, which were prepared by dispersing commercially available nanoparticles manufactured by Baikowski (Annecy, France, ID LOT: 18513) in ethylene glycol. The electrical conductivity was measured using conductivity meter MultiLine 3410 (WTW GmBH, Weilheim, Germany). In turn the temperature was stabilized in a water bath MLL 547 (AJL Electronic, Cracow, Poland). The electrical conductivity of YAG-EG nanofluids with various mass concentrations form 5% to 20% was investigated at different ambient temperatures. The experimental data indicate that changing volume fraction of YAG nanoparticles in ethylene glycol cause change of electrical conductivity of nanofluid. It was also presented that electrical conductivity depends on temperature of materials.
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