
All-In-One Visual and Computer Decoding of Multiple Secrets: Translated-Flip Vc with Polynomial-Style Sharing

Optical engineering(2017)

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This all-in-one hiding method creates two transparencies that have several decoding options: visual decoding with or without translation flipping and computer decoding. In visual decoding, two less-important (or fake) binary secret images S1 and S2 can be revealed. S1 is viewed by the direct stacking of two transparencies. S2 is viewed by flipping one transparency and translating the other to a specified coordinate before stacking. Finally, important/true secret files can be decrypted by a computer using the information extracted from transparencies. The encoding process to hide this information includes the translated-flip visual cryptography, block types, the ways to use polynomial-style sharing, and linear congruential generator. If a thief obtained both transparencies, which are stored in distinct places, he still needs to find the values of keys used in computer decoding to break through after viewing S1 and/or S2 by stacking. However, the thief might just try every other kind of stacking and finally quit finding more secrets; for computer decoding is totally different from stacking decoding. Unlike traditional image hiding that uses images as host media, our method hides fine gray-level images in binary transparencies. Thus, our host media are transparencies. Comparisons and analysis are provided. (C) 2017 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
multiple decoding options,multiple secrets,visual cryptography,polynomial-style sharing
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