Design of SIW iris-coupled-cavity band-pass filter circuit using Wave Concept Iterative Process method

2016 7th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT)(2016)

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In this work, a pass band SIW filters is described for the 36–39 GHz frequency range. The considered filter is realized by three SIW rectangular cavities which are coupled by via-hole irises. Compared with the simple SIW filter, the coupled cavities technique may be highly desirable to improve the rejection quality and to increase the bandwidth size of filter. The design theory is based on the LWCIP ‘longitudinal Wave Concept Iterative Process’ method. In fact, The WCIP method presents an unconditionally convergence criteria and it reduce significantly the computational time. The obtained results are validated by High Frequency Structure Simulator HFSS.
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Key words
pass band filter,via-hole iris,WCIP method,simulation time,precision,absolute error
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