
Effect of Leaf Decomposition Stage and Water Temperature on Fragmentation Activity of a Shredder Invertebrate Species in Lotic Ecosystems

Iheringia Série zoologia/Iheringia Série Zoologia(2017)

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ABSTRACT The attractiveness of a given leaf detritus to invertebrates depends on the chemical composition, physical structure, stage of microbial colonization and decomposition level. In addition to the leaf detritus quality, water temperature also affects organic matter cycling in aquatic environments. In this context, the objectives of this study were: i) to increase knowledge about the role of invertebrate shredders on fragmenting senescent, conditioned senescent and green leaves of Richeria grandis Vahl. (Phyllanthaceae) under gradual temperature rise and check leaf mass loss; ii) to verify the preference of Phylloicus sp. (Trichoptera) for leaves for larval case production. The experiment I consisted of three treatments with different water temperatures: 20°C, 24°C and 28°C. In the experiment II, we added 10 discs of green leaves of R. grandis and two shredder invertebrates (Phylloicus sp.) to each aquarium. Leaf mass loss in the presence or absence of fragmentation was not significantly influenced by differences in the intraspecific quality of the detritus or temperature. Intraspecific quality of resources mixed with green leaves can lead to increased contact of phenolic content on senescent leaves, leading to a similarity in food exploitation by invertebrates. However, the production of larval cases by Phylloicus sp. seems to be dependent on the resistance presented by the resource rather than the phenolic content, thus leading the shredders to use significantly more senescent detritus, regardless temperature.
Microcosms,chemical composition,Phylloicus sp.,warming of water
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