
Increasing rate of Caesarean Section Due to Non-Reassuring Cardiotocography

Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(2017)

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Objective: To evaluate increasing rate of caesarean section due to non-reassuring cardiotocography. Methods: This study is carried out in obs/gyn department of Liaquat university hospital from 2012 to 2013. After permission from ERC, patients enrolled for study meeting inclusion criteria with non-reactive cardiotocography undergo caesarean section, and results are analysis through SSPS version 17. Results: There was wide variation of maternal age ranging from a minimum of 20 years to 30 years. The mean age was 26 ± 2.1 years. In our study mostly patients were primigravida 58 (58%) between 2 - 4 were 22 (22%) more than para 5 were 20 (20%) patients. In our study mostly patients undergone caesarean section 81 (81%) 19 delivered vaginally (19%). In our study the gestational age was u003e37 weeks, ranging from a minimum of 37 weeks to 42 weeks. The mean age was 37 + 2.4 week. Mostly patients observed 37 - 38 wks in (52.67%), 39 - 40 wks in (32.14%) and 41 - 42 wks in (15.17%). In our study mostly Apgar score were more than 7 was 63 (63%) cases and less than 7 Apgar score in 37 (37%). Conclusion: Cardiotocography is a useful and indispensable adjunct to monitor the condition of endangered fetus. However, there is a need to develop a standardized and unambiguous definition of FHR tracing to reduce the incidence of false positive findings that may result in increased incidence of unnecessary intervention particularly caesarean section.
caesarean section,non-reassuring
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