
Perception of Students Regarding Blended Learning Implementation of Community Health Nursing Course at Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt

Journal of nursing education and practice(2016)

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Background and objective : Blended learning is an approach that alternates online learning for a portion of the traditional face-to-face instructional time. Blended learning offers several advantages to students, faculty and institutions. The community health nursing (CHNg) is considered the first electronic nursing course at Faculty of Nursing-Tanta University. The aim of the study was to assess the perception of students regarding blended learning implementation of community health nursing course at faculty of nursing, Tanta University, Egypt. Methods : A cross-sectional design was used. The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt. All community health nursing   undergraduates students (n = 314) were included in the study. The tool of the study was adapted from relevant studies conducted by Roca et al. (2006) and Song (2010) and translated into Arabic, then distributed to students. Results : About 40% of students indicated their agreement about the good reputation of CHNg blended course, loyalty to the course, and that its service and instruction was delivered as promised. On the other hand 60.5% of students indicated their disagreement about the fast browsing of the site, and high percentage of them indicating low instructor interaction. Conclusions and recommendation : Students had good believes about CHNg blended course but not agree about some statements of its usability and usefulness, service and instructor interaction. Faculty instructor and the responsible person in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) unit in the university have to do great efforts to help student to use and get benefit of CHNg blended course.
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