Reliability study of Carbon Nanotube memory after various cycling conditions

2016 IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW)(2016)

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Carbon Nanotube (CNT) memory has a simple structure, low voltage, low current, and fast switching mechanism, and endurance up to 10 12 cycles has been demonstrated [1]. In order to optimize set and reset algorithms and understand the mechanisms of CNT reliability, this work studies the CNT after 10 7 endurance cycles for different combinations of set and reset endurance voltages. It is confirmed that set and reset cycling voltages affect the count and ratio of set and reset errors after 10 7 . Based on measurement of a 6Mb test chip, the endurance condition in which the set voltage is lower than the reset voltage, gives the best cycling.
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Key words
carbon nanotube memory,CNT memory,cycling conditions,low voltage,low current switching mechanism,reset algorithms,CNT reliability,endurance cycles,reset endurance voltages,reset cycling voltages,reset errors,C
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