
Amniotic Membrane as Allograft for Construction of Neovagina by McIndoe Technique in Vaginal Agenesis

Global Journal of Health Science(2016)

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BACKGROUND: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), once known as dysmorphophobia, is a mental disorder in which the person afflicted is engrossed with an imagined imperfection in their appearance that is actually normal or is very minor. These individuals are significantly distressed or functionally handicapped with respect to the ability to work or interact socially due to their preoccupations. METHODS: The cross-sectional study targeted 180 female students between the ages of 17-25, using an adapted questionnaire which was used to diagnose BDD and determine the role of media in influencing their self-image. A structured questionnaire, the Body Image Disturbance Questionnaire (BIDQ) was adapted which had been tested as a reliable and valid measure for body image in non-clinical samples. It consisted of 7 questions, each of which with responses in the form of a 5 point response format. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of BDD amongst young female university students and what the role of media was on influencing their self-image. RESULTS: Out of the 180 students included in this study, at least 9.4% were highly concerned about one or more than one physical attributes, while 2.8% showed extreme concern. 6.1% met the DSM-V criteria for BDD. The most frequent foci of concern were: Being too fat or too thin (35%), skin (24.4%), hair (15%), teeth (14%) and nose (14%). 24.4% of the students got sad/angry/depressed because of their appearance .The study also showed that 42% of the subjects spent 1-2 hours watching television every day, and 13.9% watching 3-7 hours of television per day. 46.7% also regularly visit entertainment/beauty websites or read entertainment magazines. 22.8% were extremely satisfied with their appearance, as opposed to 4.4% which were extremely dissatisfied. CONCLUSION: Our results show that BDD is widespread amongst female college students. The body features of concern recognized and the influence our media has on our young generation is dangerous and worrisome.
vaginal agenesis,amniotic membrane,neovagina,mcindoe technique
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