CXCL10 Is a Circulating Inflammatory Marker in Patients with Advanced Heart Failure: a Pilot Study

Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research(2016)

Cited 66|Views29
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Chemokines are involved in the remodeling of the heart; however, their significance as biomarkers in heart failure is unknown. We observed that circulating CXCR3 receptor chemokines CXCL9 and CXCL10 in a rat model of heart failure were increased 1 week after myocardial infarction. CXCL10 was also increased in both remote and infarcted regions of the heart and remained elevated at 16 weeks; CXCL9 was elevated in the remote area at 1 week. In humans, hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis revealed that circulating CXCL10, MIP-1α, and CD40 ligand were the best indicators for differentiating healthy and heart failure subjects. Serum CXCL10 levels were increased in patients with symptomatic heart failure as indexed by NYHA classification II through IV. The presence of CXCL10, MIP-1α, and CD40 ligand appears to be dominant in patients with advanced heart failure. These findings identify a distinct profile of inflammatory mediators in heart failure patients.
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Key words
Chemokines, Inflammation, Immune response, CXCR3
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