Demonstration of Need of Delegation with Newton’s Third Law of Action and Reaction

Open Journal of Business and Management(2016)

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The article’s aims are to present the action of delegation as a need to every business, especiallywhen they get into a process of growth or expansion of their services and the second object is topropose a delegation model. To achieve the first object, a comparison is performed between theneed of delegation in a business and Newton’s third law of action and reaction, considering as “action”the applicant work force from the clients and as “reaction” the business’ capacity to performa determined work. On the other hand, the proposed “LWPO” model is based in leadership, work,people and objectives of the organization, so it can achieve effectively its strategic. The main featureabout the “LWPO” model is that you can select and train contributors in which you may delegatein the future.
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Key words
third law,delegation,newtons,action,reaction
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