
Component-Resolved Diagnosis in Hazelnut Allergy

ˆThe ‰journal of allergy and clinical immunology/Journal of allergy and clinical immunology/˜The œjournal of allergy and clinical immunology(2016)

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Tree nuts allergy is one of the most common food allergies. In our study we evaluate the sensitization profile in our population. 36 patients were retrospectively evaluated between 2004 and 2014: some presented symptoms eating hazelnuts and others avoided hazelnuts because were allergic to another nut. The diagnosis was made by prick-prick Specific-IgE to full hazelnut extract and Cor a 1 , Cor a 8 , Cor a 9 , Cor a 14 and in all patients ( except cases of anaphylaxis ) oral challenge with hazelnut was made. 28 of 36 (78%)patients had symptoms eating hazelnuts and the diagnosis of hazelnut allergy was confirm in 18 patients (64%). 9 of these 18 were sensitizated to Cor a 8 (50%) , 2 of these 18 to Cor a 1 (11%) 2 of 18 to Cor a 9 (11%) and 2 of 18 to Cor a 14 (11%). 8 of 36 patients (22%) avoided hazelnuts because were allergic to another nut. Hazelnut allergy was confirmed in 3 cases by an oral challenge. 2 of these 3 were sensitizated to Cor a 8 (66%) and noone to Cor a 1, Cor a 9 or Cor a 14. Cor a 8 (lipid transfer protein), was the most important allergen in our population of hazelnut allergic patients, in both groups, patients who had symptoms with the intake of hazelnut, and patients who avoided the intake because were allergic to another nut.
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