Ultrafast spin-lattice coupling in laser-excited FePt nanoparticles
A. H. Reid,Xiaozhe Shen,Pablo Maldonado,T. Chase,E. Jal,P. W. Granitzka,Karel Carva,Renkai Li, Jing Li,Lijun Wu,T. Vecchione, T. Liu,Zhuoyu Chen,D. J. Higley,Nick Hartmann,Ryan Coffee, J. Wu, G. L. Dakowski,W. F. Schlotter,Hendrik Ohldag,Y. K. Takahashi,V. Mehta,O. Hellwig,Alan Fry,Yimei Zhu, J. Cao,Eric E. Fullerton,J. Stöhr,Peter M. Oppeneer,Xijie Wang,H. A. Dürr arXiv: Materials Science(2016)
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