Genotype and phenotype landscape of MEN2 in 554 medullary thyroid cancer patients: the BrasMEN study.
Rui M B Maciel,Cleber P Camacho,Lígia V M Assumpção,Natassia E Bufalo, André L Carvalho,Gisah A de Carvalho,Luciana A Castroneves, Francisco M de Castro,Lucieli Ceolin,Janete M Cerutti,Rossana Corbo, Tânia M B L Ferraz,Carla V Ferreira, M Inez C França,Henrique C R Galvão,Fausto Germano-Neto,Hans Graf,Alexander A L Jorge,Ilda S Kunii,Márcio W Lauria, Vera L G Leal,Susan C Lindsey,Delmar M Lourenço,Léa M Z Maciel,Patrícia K R Magalhães,João R M Martins,M Cecília Martins-Costa,Gláucia M F S Mazeto,Anelise I Impellizzeri,Célia R Nogueira,Edenir I Palmero,Cencita H C N Pessoa, Bibiana Prada,Débora R Siqueira,Maria Sharmila A Sousa,Rodrigo A Toledo,Flávia O F Valente,Fernanda Vaisman,Laura S Ward, Shana S Weber, Rita V Weiss,Ji H Yang,Magnus R Dias-da-Silva,Ana O Hoff,Sergio P A Toledo,Ana L Maia ENDOCRINE CONNECTIONS(2019)
Key words
RET,Brazil,multiple endocrine neoplasia,medullary thyroid carcinoma,pheochromocytoma
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