Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Danvatirsen Supporting Flat Dosing Switch

Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics(2019)

引用 7|浏览35
Danvatirsen is a Generation 2.5 antisense oligonucleotide under clinical development. Population PK modelling was conducted using data from 3 available danvatirsen Phase I/II studies in oncology patients to investigate the impact of flat dosing on exposure compared to ideal body weight-based dosing. A total of 126 patients who received danvatirsen doses ranging from 1 to 4 mg/kg as monotherapy or in combination with durvalumab, most at 3 mg/kg (n = 70), was used in the danvatirsen population PK analysis. A 2-compartment model with linear elimination described the data well. Covariate analysis revealed ideal body weight was not a significant covariate on the PK of danvatirsen; nor was age, sex or race. The model-based simulation suggested that steady state weekly AUC and Cmax were very similar between 3 mg/kg and 200 mg flat dosing (geometric mean of AUC: 62.5 vs. 63.4 mg h/L and Cmax: 26.2 vs. 26.5 mg/L for two dose groups) with slightly less overall between-subject variability in the flat dosing regimen. The switch to flat dosing was approved by multiple regulatory agencies, including FDA, EMA, PMDA and ANSM. Several ongoing studies have been evaluating flat dosing. Interim analysis from an ongoing study (D5660C00016, NCT03421353) has shown the observed steady state concentration from 200 mg flat dose is in agreement with the model predictions. The population PK model could be further utilized in subsequent exposure-response efficacy and safety modelling.
Dosing strategy,Population PK,Oncology
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