Long-term Immunotoxic Effects of Oral Prenatal and Neonatal Atrazine Exposure

Toxicological sciences(2019)

Cited 12|Views29
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Atrazine and its metabolites are present at high concentrations in many water supplies in agro-intensive areas. Because residents in these areas drink water from sources fed from these contaminated supplies, we investigated the long-term immunotoxicity of combined prenatal and neonatal (perinatal) exposure to atrazine via drinking water, on the immune system in mice. At 6 months of age, upon immunization with heat-killed Streptococcus pneumoniae, the serum IgG antibody response against the T independent antigen phosphorylcholine was significantly higher in male, but not female, atrazine-exposed mice as compared with that in untreated controls. No alterations were present in all offspring in the serum antibody response against the T-dependent antigen pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA). ELISpot analysis showed only a small, insignificant reduction in PspA-specific IgG producing splenocytes in atrazine-treated male offspring. Interestingly, upon ex vivo stimulation with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies, significant decreases in interleukin (IL)-2, tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, and IL-17A and a decreasing trend in IL-10 were observed in splenocytes from atrazine-exposed male, but not female mice. Analysis of thymic and splenic cell populations showed no effects of atrazine exposure in either sex. This is the first time that long-term changes in the immune response were observed after a perinatal exposure to atrazine and it demonstrates that these early life exposures can result in permanent changes to the immune system as well as a male bias in these effects.
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