
DERP: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Cloud System for Elastic Resource Provisioning

2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom)(2018)

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Modern large scale computer clusters benefit significantly from elasticity. Elasticity allows a cluster to dynamically allocate computer resources, based on the user's fluctuating workload demands. Many cloud providers use threshold-based approaches, which have been proven to be difficult to configure and optimise, while others use reinforcement learning and decision-tree approaches, which struggle when having to handle large multidimensional cluster states. In this work we use Deep Reinforcement learning techniques to achieve automatic elasticity. We use three different approaches of a Deep Reinforcement learning agent, called DERP (Deep Elastic Resource Provisioning), that takes as input the current multi-dimensional state of a cluster and manages to train and converge to the optimal elasticity behaviour after a finite amount of training steps. The system automatically decides and proceeds on requesting/releasing VM resources from the provider and orchestrating them inside a NoSQL cluster according to user-defined policies/rewards. We compare our agent to state-of-the-art, Reinforcement learning and decision-tree based, approaches in demanding simulation environments and show that it gains rewards up to 1.6 times better on its lifetime. We then test our approach in a real life cluster environment and show that the system resizes clusters in real-time and adapts its performance through a variety of demanding optimisation strategies, input and training loads.
Elasticity, Resource Management, Resource Provisioning, Cloud computing, Deep Reinforecement learning, Double Deep Q learning, NoSQL databases, DERP
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