
Development of a High-Voltage Waveguide Photodetector Comprised of Schottky Diodes and Based on the Ge–Si Structure with Ge Quantum Dots for Portable Thermophotovoltaic Converters

Optoelectronics, instrumentation, and data processing(2017)

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This paper demontstrates the possibility of developing a high-voltage waveguide photodetector comprised of Schottky diodes and based on a Au/Ge — Si structure with Ge quantum dots pseudomorphic to a silicon matrix, which ensures an increase in the external quantum yield and open-circuit voltage. It is shown on this photodetector that there is a great increase and broadening in sensitivity up to λ = 2.1 μ m, which coincides with the main radiation range of a black (gray) body at the emitter temperatures from 1200 to 1700 °C, practically used in thermophotovoltaic converters. This state of the ensemble of Ge quantum dots by means of molecular beam epitaxy can be obtained only under the condition of low growth temperature (250–300 °C). It is established that, below the Si absorption edge, photoresponse on the photodetectors under consideration is determined by two main mechanisms: absorption on the ensemble of Ge quantum dots and Fowler emission. It is shown by the analysis of the Raman scattering spectra on the optical photons of Ge–Si structures that the quantum efficiency of photodetectors based on them in the first case is due to the degree of nonuniform stress relaxation in the array of Ge quantum dots. The photoresponse directly associated with the Ge quantum dots is manifested on Schottky diodes with a superthin intermediate oxide layer SiO 2 , which eliminates the second mechanism. In further development, the proposed photodetector architecture with pseudomorphic Ge quantum dots can be used both for portable thermophotovoltaic converters and fiber-optic data transmission systems at wavelengths corresponding to basic telecommunication standards (λ = 0.85, 1.3 and 1.55, 1.3, and 1.55 μ m) on the basis of silicon technologies.
thermophotovoltaic,Schottky diode,high-voltage photodetector,Ge–Si quantum dots
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