
Hydrocephalus in cblC type methylmalonic acidemia

Metabolic brain disease(2018)

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Methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) is a typical type of organic acidemia caused by defects in methylmalonyl-CoA mutase or adenosyl-cobalamin synthesis. Hydrocephalus (HC), results from an imbalance between production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), causeing enlarged cerebral ventricles and increased intracranial pressure, is a condition that requires urgent clinical decision-making. MMA without treatment could result in brain damage. However, HC in MMA was rarely reported. In this study, 147 MMA were identified from 9117 high risk children by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for organic acidurias screening in urine samples and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for amino acids detection in blood samples. Totally 10 cases with MMA and HC were determined by brain MRI/CT, as well as gene mutation testing either by high throughput sequencing or Sanger sequencing. Besides, homocysteine was also analyzed for the 10 MMA with HC. Out of them, 9 cases carry out compound heterozygous mutations or homozygous mutation in MMACHC gene, and 1 case has MUT mutation. The mutation c.609G > A in MMACHC was the most common in the cbl type patients. Although MMA has a high incidence in Shandong province of China, especially cblC type. All of the 10 patients were not correctly diagnosed before developing HC. As a result, when a child develops progressive and refractory HC, the screening for inherited metabolic diseases should be immediately conducted.
Hydrocephalus,MMACHC,MUT,Methylmalonic academia,cblC type
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