Sorption correction of nephron sub-microscopic changes caused by neoplastic chronic intoxication with the application of cytostatic therapy.

Yu Soroka,N Lisnychuk, I Demkiv,O Oleshchuk

Georgian medical news(2017)

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The electron microscopic changes of the nephron structural components under conditions of dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced carcinogenesis with the development of colorectal adenocarcinoma in situ were evaluated. Destructive changes in epitheliocytes of proximal and distal tubules of the nephron, microcirculation disturbances in renal corpuscles and tubular structure are evidences of disorder in urine formation stages. Аdministration of cytostatics aggravates the degree of destructive changes in the kidney. The application of carbon enterosorbent of IV generation "Carboline" for chronic neoplastic endotoxemia correction in combination with chemotherapy components significantly reduces the structural changes of the cortical substance of the kidneys, activates processes of reparative regeneration. The normalization of the morphological structure of the nephron components is an indication of the recovery of the test organ functions.
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