Development of 15 Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers for Ficus Virens (Moraceae).


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PREMISE OF THE STUDY:Ficus virens (Moraceae) is distributed widely in South and Southeast Asia, Melanesia, and northern Australia, and it is also cultivated outside its original northern range limit in southwestern China. Therefore, the species is well suited to explore the mechanism of range limits of Ficus species. However, little is known about its genetic background.METHODS AND RESULTS:Fifteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed using the biotin-streptavidin capture method. Polymorphism was tested in 85 F. virens individuals sampled from three populations. The number of alleles ranged from three to 17. The observed and expected heterozygosity of each population varied from 0.0667 to 0.9286 and 0.0650 to 0.8890, respectively. Cross-species amplification was also carried out in eight other Ficus species.CONCLUSIONS:These 15 markers will be valuable for studying the genetic variation and population structure of F. virens and related Ficus species.
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Key words
cross-amplification,Ficus virens,genetic diversity,microsatellite,Moraceae,southwest China
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