Congenital Cecal Duplication Cyst Mimicking as Intramural Mass.

Journal of neonatal surgery(2016)

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A 7-day-old male child with normal birth history and uneventful neonatal period was brought with complaints of bilious vomiting, abdominal distension and constipation. On examination, abdomen was soft with visible peristalsis; a lump was palpable in right iliac fossa. X-ray abdomen showed multiple air fluid levels. Ultrasonography abdomen revealed a mass in right iliac fossa. After adequate resuscitation, the child was taken up for surgery. On exploratory laparotomy, there was a firm intramural mass of size 3×3 cm palpable in ileocecal region causing obstruction with dilatation of whole of the small intestine proximal to the lesion and collapsed distal colon (Fig.1). Resection of the gut along with lesion was performed and ileocolic anastomosis done. Grossly, a cystic globular structure was identified sharing a common wall with caecum and filled with mucoid material. Postoperative period was uneventful. The histopathological examination showed the cyst has all layers of large intestine, without any ectopic tissue, and shared a common wall with the caecum.
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Key words
Congenital,neonatal,duplication cyst
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