
Feasibility of Achieving High Detectivity at Short- and Mid-Wavelength Infrared Using Nanowire-Plasmonic Photodetectors with P-N Heterojunctions


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Photodetection at short- and mid-wavelength infrared (SWIR and MWIR) enables various sensing systems used in heat seeking, night vision, and spectroscopy. As a result, uncooled photodetection at these wavelengths is in high demand. However, these SWIR and MWIR photodetectors often suffer from high dark current, causing them to require bulky cooling accessories for operation. In this study, we argue for the feasibility of improving the room-temperature detectivity by significantly suppressing dark current. To realize this, we propose using (1) a nanowire-based platform to reduce the photoabsorber volume, which in turn reduces trap state population and hence generation-recombination current, and (2) p-n heterojunctions to prevent minority carrier diffusion from the large bandgap substrate into the nanowire absorber. We prove these concepts by demonstrating a comprehensive three-dimensional photoresponse model to explore the level of detectivity offered by vertical InAs(Sb) nanowire photodetector arrays with self-assembled plasmonic gratings. The resultant electrical simulations show that the dark current can be reduced by three to four orders at room temperature, leading to a peak detectivity greater than 3.5 x 10(10) cm Hz(1/2) W-1 within the wavelength regime of 2.0-3.4 mu m, making it comparable to the best commercial and research InAs p-i-n homojunction photodiodes. In addition, we show that the plasmonic resonance peaks can be easily tuned by simply varying the exposed nanowire height. Finally, we investigate the impact of nanowire material properties, such as carrier mobility and carrier lifetime, on the nanowire photodetector detectivity. This work provides a roadmap for the electrical design of nanowire optoelectronic devices and stimulates further experimental validation for uncooled photodetectors at SWIR and MWIR.
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