Remarkable Muscles, Remarkable Locomotion in Desert-Dwelling Wildebeest


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Large mammals that live in arid and/or desert environments can cope with seasonal and local variations in rainfall, food and climate 1 by moving long distances, often without reliable water or food en route. The capacity of an animal for this long-distance travel is substantially dependent on the rate of energy utilization and thus heat production during locomotion—the cost of transport 2 – 4 . The terrestrial cost of transport is much higher than for flying (7.5 times) and swimming (20 times) 4 . Terrestrial migrants are usually large 1 – 3 with anatomical specializations for economical locomotion 5 – 9 , because the cost of transport reduces with increasing size and limb length 5 – 7 . Here we used GPS-tracking collars 10 with movement and environmental sensors to show that blue wildebeest ( Connochaetes taurinus , 220 kg) that live in a hot arid environment in Northern Botswana walked up to 80 km over five days without drinking. They predominantly travelled during the day and locomotion appeared to be unaffected by temperature and humidity, although some behavioural thermoregulation was apparent. We measured power and efficiency of work production (mechanical work and heat production) during cyclic contractions of intact muscle biopsies from the forelimb flexor carpi ulnaris of wildebeest and domestic cows ( Bos taurus , 760 kg), a comparable but relatively sedentary ruminant. The energetic costs of isometric contraction (activation and force generation) in wildebeest and cows were similar to published values for smaller mammals. Wildebeest muscle was substantially more efficient (62.6%) than the same muscle from much larger cows (41.8%) and comparable measurements that were obtained from smaller mammals (mouse (34%) 11 and rabbit (27%)). We used the direct energetic measurements on intact muscle fibres to model the contribution of high working efficiency of wildebeest muscle to minimizing thermoregulatory challenges during their long migrations under hot arid conditions.
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Wildebeest,Flexor Carpi Ulnaris,Energetic Measurements,Kyron Laboratories,Boteti River
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