Metabolism and disposition of arsenic species from oral dosing with sodium arsenite in neonatal CD-1 mice. III. Toxicokinetics following gavage administration and lactational transfer.

Food and Chemical Toxicology(2019)

引用 8|浏览13
Arsenic is a ubiquitous contaminant, with typical human dietary intake below 1 μg/kg bw/d and extreme drinking water exposures up to ∼50 μg/kg bw/d. The formation and binding of trivalent metabolites are central to arsenic toxicity and strong human evidence suggests special concern for early life exposures in the etiology of adult diseases, especially cancer. This study measured the metabolism and disposition of arsenite in neonatal mice to understand the role of maturation in metabolic activation and detoxification of arsenic. Many age-related differences were observed after gavage administration of arsenite, with consistent evidence in blood and tissues for higher exposures to trivalent arsenic species in neonatal mice related to the immaturity of metabolic and/or excretory functions. The evidence for greater tissue binding of arsenic species in young mice is consistent with enhanced susceptibility to toxicity based on metabolic and toxicokinetic differences alone. Lactational transfer from arsenite-dosed dams to suckling mice was minimal, based on no dosing-related changes in the levels of arsenic species in pup blood or milk collected from the dams. Animal models evaluating whole-life exposure to inorganic arsenic must use direct dosing in early neonatal life to predict accurately potential toxicity from early life exposures in children.
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