
The Bivalent Factor H Binding Protein Meningococcal Serogroup B Vaccine Elicits Bactericidal Antibodies Against Representative Non-Serogroup B Meningococci


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MenB-FHbp (Trumenba (R) ; bivalent rLP2086) is a meningococcal serogroup B vaccine containing 2 variants of the recombinant lipidated factor H binding protein (FHbp) antigen. The expression of FHbp, an outer membrane protein, is not restricted to serogroup B strains of Neisseria meningitidis (MenB). This study investigated whether antibodies elicited by MenB-FHbp vaccination also protect against non-MenB strains. Immunological responses were assessed in serum bactericidal assays using human complement (hSBAs) with non-MenB disease-causing test strains from Europe, Africa, and the United States. Importantly, FHbp variant distribution varies among meningococcal serogroups; therefore, strains that code for serogroup-specific prevalent variants (ie, representative of the 2 antigenically distinct FHbp subfamilies, designated subfamily A and subfamily B) and with moderate levels of FHbp surface expression were selected for testing by hSBA. After 2 or 3 doses of MenB-FHbp, 53% to 100% of individuals had bactericidal responses (hSBA titers >= 1:8) against meningococcal serogroup C, W, Y, and X strains, and 20% to 28% had bactericidal responses against serogroup A strains; in fact, these bactericidal responses elicited by MenB-FHbp antibodies against non-MenB strains, including strains associated with emerging disease, were greater than the serological correlate of protection for meningococcal disease (ie, hSBA titers >= 1:4). This is in comparison to a quadrivalent polysaccharide conjugate vaccine, MCV4 (Menactra (R), targeting meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, and Y), which elicited bactericidal responses of 90% to 97% against the serogroup A, C, W, and Y strains and had no activity against serogroup X. Together, these results provide clinical evidence that MenB-FHbp may protect against meningococcal disease regardless of serogroup. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neisseria meningitidis,MenB-FHbp,Serum bactericidal assay,Meningococcal disease,factor H binding protein,Vaccination
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