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Association Between Dietary Fiber Intake and Risk of Ovarian Cancer: a Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies

Journal of International Medical Research(2018)SCI 4区

Xiamen Univ

Cited 14|Views10
Objective: To evaluate the associations between dietary fiber intake and ovarian cancer risk. Methods: A literature survey was conducted by searching the PubMed, Web of Science, and Wanfang Med Online databases up to March 1st, 2018. The effect of dietary fiber intake on ovarian cancer risk was evaluated by calculating relative risks with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) using Stata 12.0 software. Results: A total of 17 articles with 149,177 participants including 7609 ovarian cancer patients were included in this analysis. The summarized relative risk for ovarian cancer in participants with the highest compared with the lowest fiber intake was 0.760 (95% CI = 0.702-0.823), with no significant between-study heterogeneity (I-2 = 12.4%). Subgroup analysis according to study design demonstrated positive associations in both cohort studies and case-control studies. Moreover, the results were consistent among populations from America, Europe, and Asia. No publication bias was found by Egger's test or funnel plots. Conclusion: This meta-analysis concluded that a high intake of dietary fiber could significantly reduce the risk of ovarian cancer compared with a low fiber intake.
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Key words
Diet,fiber intake,ovarian cancer,meta-analysis,cancer risk,observational studies
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方法】:研究采用荟萃分析方法,通过检索PubMed、Web of Science和万方医学数据库至2018年3月1日的相关文献,并使用Stata 12.0软件计算相对风险和95%置信区间。

实验】:共纳入17篇文章,涉及149,177名参与者,包括7609名卵巢癌患者。分析结果显示,最高纤维摄入量组与最低纤维摄入量组相比,卵巢癌的相对风险为0.760(95% CI = 0.702-0.823),各研究间异质性不显著。亚组分析显示,无论是队列研究还是病例对照研究,结果均呈正相关,且在不同地区(美洲、欧洲、亚洲)的人群中结果一致。通过Egger's检验和漏斗图分析未发现发表偏倚。