Design and Synthesis of Novel and Selective Glycine Transporter-1 (glyt1) Inhibitors with Memory Enhancing Properties.
Vincent J. Santora,Theresa A. Almos,Richard Barido,Jillian Basinger, Chris L. Bellows,Brett C. Bookser,J. Guy Breitenbucher,Nicola J. Broadbent,Clifford Cabebe,Chih-Kun Chai,Mi Chen,Stephine Chow,De Michael Chung,Lindsay Crickard,Anne M. Danks,Graeme C. Freestone,Dany Gitnick,Varsha Gupta,Christine Hoffmaster,Andrew R. Hudson,Alan P. Kaplan,Michael R. Kennedy,Dong Lee,James Limberis,Kiev Ly,Chi Ching Mak, Brittany Masatsugu,Andrew C. Morse,Jim Na,David Neul, John Nikpur,Marco Peters,Robert E. Petroski,Joel Renick,Kristen Sebring,Samantha Sevida,Ali Tabatabaei,Jenny Wen,Yingzhuo Yan, Zachary W. Yoder,Douglas Zook Journal of medicinal chemistry(2018)
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