CREATE Two-Year/Four-Year Faculty Workshops: A Focus on Practice, Reflection, and Novel Curricular Design Leads to Diverse Gains for Faculty at Two-Year and Four-Year Institutions
Journal of microbiology & biology education(2017)
Improving STEM education through the propagation of highly effective teaching strategies is a major goal of national reform movements. CREATE (Consider, Read, Elucidate the hypotheses, Analyze and interpret the data, and Think of the next Experiment) is a transformative teaching and learning strategy grounded in evidence-based science pedagogy. CREATE courses promote both cognitive (e.g., critical thinking) and affective (e.g., attitudinal and epistemological) student gains in diverse settings. In this study, we look more deeply into the faculty development workshop used to disseminate CREATE pedagogy to instructors at two-year and four-year institutions. We hypothesized that an immersive experience would positively shift faculty participants’ views on teaching/learning, build their understanding of CREATE pedagogy and develop their confidence for course implementation. Internal and external assessments indicate that faculty participants did achieve gains within the timeframe of the CREATE workshop. We discuss the workshop training outcomes in the context of designing effective dissemination models for innovative practices.
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