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Nurse Navigator Core Competencies: An Update to Reflect the Evolution of the Role.


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BACKGROUND: The Oncology Nursing Society published Oncology Nurse Navigator (ONN) Core Competencies in 2013. However, a 2016 role delineation study (RDS) indicated that the role had evolved since their release. The RDS also indicated that a growing number of nurse navigators have extensive oncology and navigation experience. OBJECTIVES: The update to the competencies was undertaken to identify current responsibilities of ONNs and differentiate novice from expert practice. METHODS: A list of competencies was developed based on a literature review, evaluation of the 2013 competencies, and input from six expert ONNs. These draft competencies were vetted through field and expert review, with subsequent updates. FINDINGS:The 2017 competencies include 52 competencies: 40 novice and 12 expert. Two models are included to help elucidate professional E practice and show the impact ONNs have across the cancer care continuum. These can be used to more clearly define the role and optimize efficacy.
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navigation,nurse navigator,care coordination,competencies
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