
Quantifying Rome Symptoms for Diagnosis of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Neurogastroenterology & motility/Neurogastroenterology and motility(2018)

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BackgroundIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder, diagnosed on symptom-based criteria. Many have reported discrepancies between formal Rome criteria and diagnoses made in clinical practice. The aim of the study was to explore whether a quantitative version of the Rome criteria would better represent a clinical diagnosis of IBS than the current dichotomous criteria for symptom measure. MethodsAs part of a large, case-control study, participants completed a validated bowel disease questionnaire. Rome criteria were analyzed based on 15 individual symptoms. Penalized logistic regression model with stepwise selection was used to identify significant symptoms of IBS which were independently associated with case-control status. Key ResultsIn cases with a clinical diagnosis of IBS, 347 (70%) met Rome criteria for IBS. Increasing number of Rome symptoms were found related to the odds of being diagnosed with IBS. Nearly half of the Rome-negative case group experienced infrequent symptoms suggesting milder disease. Five of 15 Rome symptoms were associated with predicting case-control status in the final model, with 96% correctly classified among Rome-positive cases, 76% for Rome-negative cases, and 91% for controls. Conclusions and InferencesIrritable bowel syndrome appears to be a spectrum disorder. Quantifying individual symptoms of Rome criteria has greater utility than the current application in representing the degree of IBS affectedness and appears to better reflect a clinical diagnosis of IBS applied by physicians. The use of a quantitative diagnostic Rome score may be helpful in clinical practice and research studies to better reflect the degree an individual is affected with IBS.
diagnostic criteria,irritable bowel syndrome,Rome criteria
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