
Novel hGHRH homodimer promotes fertility of female infertile hamster by up-regulating ovarian GHRH receptor without triggering GH secretion.

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences(2018)

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Extra-hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) plays an important role in infertility. The female infertility models were formed by intraperitoneally injecting cyclophosphamide in 5-week-old Chinese hamster once in a week for 5 weeks. All the models mated with healthy male hamster in the ratio of 1:1 in the experimental 6–8th week and the couples were separated to breed in the 9–10th week. 20 mg/kg of cyclophosphamide induced temporary interference of reproduction and did not cause significant difference in the weight of body, bilateral ovaries, or liver. By intramuscularly injecting twice in a week during the experimental 4–10th week, 2, 4, 8 mg/kg of Grin induced 30, 42.9, 60% of total pregnancy rates in a dose-dependent manner whereas 200 U/kg of hMG induced 50% of total pregnancy rates. The single cyclophosphamide dose caused strongly eosinophilic ovarian cells, scattered early follicles, many atretic follicles, and no corpora luteum was observed. The hMG group individually presents many follicles at all levels, especially secondary ones in the ovarian cortex and medulla. Much of loose connective tissue, vacuoles, and sparse interstitial cells distribute in the medulla. Grin induced many follicles at all dose levels and corpora lutea in the cortex, and the compactly aligned interstitial cells occurred in the whole ovarian tissue. The less TUNEL staining and higher expression of ki67 showed the proliferation and protection effect of Grin on ovarian cells. Grin obviously promotes fertility by up-regulating ovarian GHRH receptor and strengthening the development and maturation of follicles without triggering central and ovarian GH secretion.
Female infertility,Chinese hamster infertility model,Ovary,Human growth hormone-releasing hormone analog dimer,Growth hormone releasing-hormone receptor
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