
ICRP Publication 138: Ethical Foundations of the System of Radiological Protection.

K-W Cho,M-C Cantone, C Kurihara-Saio,B Le Guen,N Martinez,D Oughton,T Schneider, R Toohey,F ZöLzer

Annals of the ICRP(2018)

引用 87|浏览31
Abstract –:Despite a longstanding recognition that radiological protection is not onlya matter of science, but also ethics, ICRP publications have rarely addressed theethical foundations of the system of radiological protection explicitly. The purposeof this publication is to describe how the Commission has relied on ethical values,either intentionally or indirectly, in developing the system of radiological protectionwith the objective of presenting a coherent view of how ethics is part of this system.In so doing, it helps to clarify the inherent value judgements made in achieving theaim of the radiological protection system as underlined by the Commission inPublication 103. Although primarily addressed to the radiological protection community,this publication is also intended to address authorities, operators, workers,medical professionals, patients, the public, and its representatives (e.g. NGOs) actingin the interest of the protection of people and the environment. This publicationprovides the key steps concerning the scientific, ethical, and practical evolutions ofthe system of radiological protection since the first ICRP publication in 1928. It thendescribes the four core ethical values underpinning the present system: beneficence/non-maleficence, prudence, justice, and dignity. It also discusses how these coreethical values relate to the principles of radiological protection, namely justification,optimisation, and limitation. The publication finally addresses key procedural valuesthat are required for the practical implementation of the system, focusing onaccountability, transparency, and inclusiveness. The Commission sees this publicationas a founding document to be elaborated further in different situations andcircumstances.
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