
Mixed Lineage Kinase ZAK Promotes Epithelial–mesenchymal Transition in Cancer Progression

Cell death and disease(2018)

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ZAK, a mixed lineage kinase, is often described as a positive or negative regulator of cell growth. We identified it as one of the top hits in our kinome cDNA screen for potent regulators of epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT). Ectopic expression of ZAK promoted EMT phenotypes and apoptosis resistance in multiple epithelial cell lines, while having different impacts on cell growth in different cell lines. Conversely, depletion of ZAK in aggressive mesenchymal cancer cells reversed EMT phenotypes, increased sensitivity to conventional cytotoxic drugs, and attenuated bone metastasis potential, with little impact on primary tumor growth. Mechanistically, ZAK-mediated EMT is associated with activation of ZEB1 and suppression of epithelial splicing regulatory proteins (ESRPs), which results in a switch in CD44 expression from the epithelial CD44v8–9 isoform to the mesenchymal CD44s isoform. Of note, transcriptomic analysis showed that ZAK overexpression is significantly associated with poor survival in a number of human cancer types. Tissue microarray analysis on breast invasive carcinoma further supported that ZAK overexpression is an independent poor prognostic factor for overall survival in breast cancer. Through combination with ZAK, prognostic accuracy of other common clinicopathological markers in breast cancer is improved by up to 21%. Taken together, these results suggest that promoting EMT is the primary role for ZAK in cancer progression. They also highlight its potential as a biomarker to identify high-risk patients, and suggest its promise as a therapeutic target for inhibiting metastasis and overcoming drug resistance.
Life Sciences,general,Biochemistry,Cell Biology,Immunology,Cell Culture,Antibodies
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