
Comparison of the Activation Energy Barrier for Succinimide Formation from Α- and Β-Aspartic Acid Residues Obtained from Density Functional Theory Calculations.

Biochimica et biophysica acta Proteins and proteomics(2018)

引用 17|浏览14
The l-α-Asp residues in peptides or proteins are prone to undergo nonenzymatic reactions to form l-β-Asp, d-α-Asp, and d-β-Asp residues via a succinimide five-membered ring intermediate. From these three types of isomerized aspartic acid residues, particularly d-β-Asp has been widely detected in aging tissue. In this study, we computationally investigated the cyclization of α- and β-Asp residues to form succinimide with dihydrogen phosphate ion as a catalyst (H2PO4-). We performed the study using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) density functional theory calculations. The comparison of the activation barriers of both residues is discussed. All the calculations were performed using model compounds in which an α/β-Asp-Gly sequence is capped with acetyl and methylamino groups on the N- and C-termini, respectively. Moreover, H2PO4- catalyzes all the steps of the succinimide formation (cyclization-dehydration) acting as a proton-relay mediator. The calculated activation energy barriers for succinimide formation of α- and β-Asp residues are 26.9 and 26.0kcalmol-1, respectively. Although it was experimentally confirmed that β-Asp has higher stability than α-Asp, there was no clear difference between the activation barriers. Therefore, the higher stability of β-Asp residue than α-Asp residue may be caused by an entropic effect associated with the succinimide formation.
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