GSK3β negatively regulates TRAX, a scaffold protein implicated in mental disorders, for NHEJ-mediated DNA repair in neurons


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Translin-associated protein X (TRAX) is a scaffold protein with various functions and has been associated with mental illnesses, including schizophrenia. We have previously demonstrated that TRAX interacts with a Gsα protein-coupled receptor, the A 2A adenosine receptor (A 2A R), and mediates the function of this receptor in neuritogenesis. In addition, stimulation of the A 2A R markedly ameliorates DNA damage evoked by elevated oxidative stress in neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Here, we report that glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) and disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) are two novel interacting proteins of TRAX. We present evidence to suggest that the stimulation of A 2A R markedly facilitated DNA repair through the TRAX/DISC1/GSK3β complex in a rat neuronal cell line (PC12), primary mouse neurons, and human medium spiny neurons derived from iPSCs. A 2A R stimulation led to the inhibition of GSK3β, thus dissociating the TRAX/DISC1/GSK3β complex and facilitating the non-homologous end-joining pathway (NHEJ) by enhancing the activation of a DNA-dependent protein kinase via phosphorylation at Thr 2609 . Similarly, pharmacological inhibition of GSK3β by SB216763 also facilitated the TRAX-mediated repair of oxidative DNA damage. Collectively, GSK3β binds with TRAX and negatively affects its ability to facilitate NHEJ repair. The suppression of GSK3β by A 2A R activation or a GSK3β inhibitor releases TRAX for the repair of oxidative DNA damage. Our findings shed new light on the molecular mechanisms underlying diseases associated with DNA damage and provides a novel target (i.e., the TRAX/DISC1/GSK3β complex) for future therapeutic development for mental disorders.
Cell biology,Molecular biology,Neuroscience,Medicine/Public Health,general,Psychiatry,Neurosciences,Behavioral Sciences,Pharmacotherapy,Biological Psychology
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