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94 β-Decay Half-Lives of Neutron-Rich _{55}Cs to _{67}Ho: Experimental Feedback and Evaluation of the r-Process Rare-Earth Peak Formation.


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The beta-decay half-lives of 94 neutron-rich nuclei Cs144-151, Ba146-154, La148-156, Ce150-158, Pr153-160, Nd156-162, Pm159-163, Sm160-166, Eu161-168, Gd165-170, Tb166-172, Dy169-173, Ho172-175, and two isomeric states Er-174m, Dy-172m were measured at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory, providing a new experimental basis to test theoretical models. Strikingly large drops of beta-decay half-lives are observed at neutron-number N = 97 for Ce-58, Pr-59, Nd-60, and Sm-62, and N = 105 for Eu-63, Gd-64, Tb-65, and Dy-66. Features in the data mirror the interplay between pairing effects and microscopic structure. r-process network calculations performed for a range of mass models and astrophysical conditions show that the 57 half-lives measured for the first time play an important role in shaping the abundance pattern of rare-earth elements in the solar system.
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