
Key Differences Between 13 KRAS Mutation Detection Technologies and Their Relevance for Clinical Practice.

ESMO open(2017)

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Click here and here to see the linked articles Introduction This study assessed KRAS mutation detection and functional characteristics across 13 distinct technologies and assays available in clinical practice, in a blinded manner. Methods Five distinct KRAS-mutant cell lines were used to study five clinically relevant KRAS mutations: p.G12C, p.G12D, p.G12V, p.G13D and p.Q61H. 50 cell line admixtures with low (50 and 100) mutant KRAS allele copies at 20%, 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.5% frequency were processed using quantitative PCR (qPCR) (n=3), matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) (n=2), next-generation sequencing (NGS) (n=6), digital PCR (n=1) and Sanger capillary sequencing (n=1) assays. Important performance differences were revealed, particularly assay sensitivity and turnaround time. Results Overall 406/728 data points across all 13 technologies were identified correctly. Successful genotyping of admixtures ranged from 0% (Sanger sequencing) to 100% (NGS). 5/6 NGS platforms reported similar allelic frequency for each sample. One NGS assay detected mutations down to a frequency of 0.5% and correctly identified all 56 samples (Oncomine Focus Assay, Thermo Fisher Scientific). One qPCR (Idylla, Biocartis) and MALDI-TOF (UltraSEEK, Agena Bioscience) assay identified 96% (all 100 copies and 23/25 at 50 copies input) and 92% (23/25 at 100 copies and 23/25 at 50 copies input) of samples, respectively. The digital PCR assay (KRAS PrimePCR ddPCR, Bio-Rad Laboratories) identified 60% (100 copies) and 52% (50 copies) of samples correctly. Turnaround time from sample to results ranged from ~2 hours (Idylla CE-IVD) to 2 days (TruSight Tumor 15 and Sentosa CE-IVD), to 2 weeks for certain NGS assays; the level of required expertise ranged from minimal (Idylla CE-IVD) to high for some technologies. Discussion This comprehensive parallel assessment used high molecular weight cell line DNA as a model system to address key questions for a laboratory when implementing routine KRAS testing. As most of the technologies are available for additional molecular biomarkers, this study may be informative for other applications.
NSCLC,EGFR mutation,NGS,ddPCR,MALDITOF,qPCR,platform comparison
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