
Zea mays Fe deficiency-related 4 (ZmFDR4) functions as an iron transporter in the plastids of monocots.


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Iron (Fe)-homeostasis in the plastids is closely associated with Fe transport proteins that prevent Fe from occurring in its toxic free ionic forms. However, the number of known protein families related to Fe transport in the plastids (about five) and the function of iron in non-green plastids is limited. In the present study, we report the functional characterization of Zea mays Fe deficiency-related 4 (ZmFDR4), which was isolated from a differentially expressed clone of a cDNA library of Fe deficiency-induced maize roots. ZmFDR4 is homologous to the bacterial FliP superfamily, coexisted in both algae and terrestrial plants, and capable of restoring the normal growth of the yeast mutant fet3fet4, which possesses defective Fe uptake systems. ZmFDR4 mRNA is ubiquitous in maize and is inducible by iron deficiency in wheat. Transient expression of the 35S:ZmFDR4-eGFP fusion protein in rice protoplasts indicated that ZmFDR4 maybe localizes to the plastids envelope and thylakoid. In 35S:c-Myc-ZmFDR4 transgenic tobacco, immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting confirmed that ZmFDR4 is targeted to both the chloroplast envelope and thylakoid. Meanwhile, ultrastructure analysis indicates that ZmFDR4 promotes the density of plastids and accumulation of starch grains. Moreover, Bathophenanthroline disulfonate (BPDS) colorimetry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) indicate that ZmFDR4 is related to Fe uptake by plastids and increases seed Fe content. Finally, 35S:c-Myc-ZmFDR4 transgenic tobacco show enhanced photosynthetic efficiency. Therefore, the results of the present study demonstrate that ZmFDR4 functions as an iron transporter in monocot plastids and provide insight into the process of Fe uptake by plastids. Significance Statement Several iron transporters have been identified in dicot plastids, but little is known about iron transporters in monocots. Here we show that a maize iron transporter in plastids increases the iron content of seeds, thus offering avenues to increasing the iron content of plant-based diets.
ZmFDR4,iron deficiency,iron transporter,plastid,transgenic tobacco,Nicotiana tabacum
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