
[Genetic Polymorphisms of 30 InDel Loci in Ewenki Ethnic Group from Inner Mongolia].

X Y Jin, Y, Y F He,Y X Guo, T Mei,H T Meng, Y D Zhang, T,B F Zhu

Fa yi xue za zhi(2017)

引用 2|浏览6
Objective T o study the genetic polym orphism s of 30 insertion/deletion (InD el) loci and evaluate their forensic application in E w enki ethnic group from Inner M ongolia. Methods Peripheral blood sam ples w ere collected from 87 unrelated healthy individuals in E w enki ethnic group. G enom ic D N A w ere extracted, and 30 InD el loci of the sam ples w ere m ultiplex am plified and genotyped. H ardy-W einberg balance tests w ere preform ed for all loci and genetic param eters w ere calculated by m odified Pow erStats v1.2 softw are. T he linkage disequilibrium betw een loci w ere tested by SN PA nalyzer v2.0 softw are. B ased on the allele frequencies of 30 InD el loci, the genetic relationships betw een E w enki ethnic group and other popula-tions w ere evaluated by analysis of m olecular variance, principal com ponent analysis and phylogenetic re-construction. Results A fter correction, 30 InD el loci conform ed to H ardy-W einberg equilibrium . It w as found that the pairw ise InD el loci w ere in linkage equilibrium after B onferroni correction. T he results of population genetics indicated that E w enki ethnic group had close genetic relationships w ith H enan H an and B eijing H an populations; w hereas it w as significantly different from several populations in E urope and M exico. Conclusion T here are relatively high genetic polym orphism s on 30 InD el loci of E w enki ethnic group from InnerM ongolia,which can be used asa helpfulsupplem entapplication forSTR detection system .
forensic genetics,polym orphism,genetic,insertion/deletion,E w enki ethnic group,Inner M ongolia
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