
Sucrose Modulation of Radiofrequency-Induced Heating Rates and Cell Death.

Convergent science physical oncology(2017)

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BACKGROUND:Applied radiofrequency (RF) energy induces hyperthermia in tissues, facilitating vascular perfusion This study explores the impact of RF radiation on the integrity of the luminal endothelium, and then predominately explores the impact of altering the conductivity of biologically-relevant solutions on RF-induced heating rates and cell death. The ability of cells to survive high sucrose (i.e. hyperosmotic conditions) to achieve lower conductivity as a mechanism for directing hyperthermia is evaluated.METHODS:RF radiation was generated using a capacitively-coupled radiofrequency system operating at 13.56 MHz. Temperatures were recorded using a FLIR SC 6000 infrared camera.RESULTS:RF radiation reduced cell-to-cell connections among endothelial cells and altered cell morphology towards a more rounded appearance at temperatures reported to cause in vivo vessel deformation. Isotonic solutions containing high sucrose and low levels of NaCl displayed low conductivity and faster heating rates compared to high salt solutions. Heating rates were positively correlated with cell death. Addition of sucrose to serum similarly reduced conductivity and increased heating rates in a dose-dependent manner. Cellular proliferation was normal for cells grown in media supplemented with 125 mM sucrose for 24 hours or for cells grown in 750 mM sucrose for 10 minutes followed by a 24 h recovery period.CONCLUSIONS:Sucrose is known to form weak hydrogen bonds in fluids as opposed to ions, freeing water molecules to rotate in an oscillating field of electromagnetic radiation and contributing to heat induction. The ability of cells to survive temporal exposures to hyperosmotic (i.e. elevated sucrose) conditions creates an opportunity to use sucrose or other saccharides to selectively elevate heating in specific tissues upon exposure to a radiofrequency field.
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