
The impact of subcellular location on the near infrared-mediated thermal ablation of cells by targeted carbon nanotubes.


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Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are used in the near infrared (NIR)-mediated thermal ablation of tumor cells because they efficiently convert absorbed NIR light into heat. Despite the therapeutic potential of SWNTs, there have been no published studies that directly quantify how many SWNTs need be associated with a cell to achieve a desired efficiency of killing, or what is the most efficient subcellular location of SWNTs for killing cells. Herein we measured dose response curves for the efficiency of killing correlated to the measured amounts of folate-targeted SWNTs that were either on the surface or within the vacuolar compartment of normal rat kidney cells. Folate-targeted SWNTs on the cell surface were measured after different concentrations of SWNTs in medium were incubated with cells for 30 min at 4 degrees C. Folate-targeted SWNTs within the vacuolar compartments were measured after cells were incubated with different concentrations of SWNTs in medium for 6 h at 37 degrees C. It was observed that a SWNT load of similar to 13 pg/cell when internalized was sufficient to kill 90% of the cells under standardized conditions of NIR light irradiation. When similar to 3.5 pg/cell of SWNTs were internalized within the endosomal/lysosomal compartments, similar to 50% of the cells were killed, but when similar to 3.5 pg/cell of SWNTs were confined to the cell surface only similar to 5% of the cells were killed under the same NIR irradiation conditions. The SWNT subcellular locations were verified using Raman imaging of SWNTs merged with fluorescence images of known subcellular markers. To our knowledge, this is the first time that SWNT amounts at known subcellular locations have been correlated with a dose-normalized efficacy of thermal ablation and the results support the idea that SWNTs confined to the plasma membrane are not as effective in NIR-mediated cell killing as an equivalent amount of SWNTs when internalized within the endosomal/lysosomal vesicles.
carbon nanotubes,near infrared,photothermal ablation,cancer therapy
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